I am Diabetic Dad Man. I like Hawaiian shirts, long walks on the beach, and reversing diabetes.

I’m Diabetic Dad Man. I don’t like saying Diabetic first but for this blog it’s important to start with that term. I have 2 daughters that have a diabetic dad. Soon, I want them to simply be my two kids. We all have to spend too much of our lives focusing on the word diabetic. So, what are we going to do about that?
We are here to find the best path to dealing with being diabetic or even better, for me to reverse my diabetes completely and be in remission. I don’t think for a minute it will be something easy, like just get a shot or take a pill, but I do believe it can be done.
The kids are helping me with this blog and my path to reversing my diabetes so that one day soon, I can be just Dad. I would rather have the most important number in my day be that I am over 60 years old and not that I spiked over 350 and my A1C doesn’t matter any more. I hear that some people are in remission and I’m going to be one of them. (I’m calling that Post Diabetic because remission makes it sound like diabetes might be coming back.)
One kiddo, Muffin, is over 20 and helps me with research and my tech and the other, Alice, is just 9 but she is a super supporter in beating this condition and always knows where my kit is. I couldn’t ask for better kids or a better goal for all of us as a family.
We hope you get to know us, we get to know you and together we can all end up Post Diabetic.